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Different Types of Garden Windbreak Fencing Maintenance Tips

Windbreak fencing is the great way to protect your garden from bad weather and making the garden more attractive. When you install a new fence, you add some privacy to your home and surrounding property. You can replace them, repair them and give a new look quite simply and cheaply. Windbreak fencing for garden UK requires a big investment, so you want it to last long as possible. There are different types of garden fences and each requires different maintenance techniques.

Here are some maintenance tips to make your fence last for long:

Wood Fencing

Wood fences are very popular for their natural look and low cost. It’s the great way to decorate your garden beautifully. Wood is a natural material, if you install a wood fence in your garden, be prepared to perform regular maintenance. Apply these following maintenance tips to protect your wood fence:

garden windbreak wood fencing

  • Use a pressure washer to remove dirt, debris, mold and mildew in every three years.
  • For extra cleanliness, you can also use the pressure washer to spray a mold remover solution.
  • After washing the fence, let it dry for at least two days to remove extra moisture.
  • If you find any broken areas, replace the entire trouble spot with full boards.
  • If you notice the fence isn’t properly painted, recoat it with a water repellent preservative and sealant to keep rot and moisture away.
  • Move vines and bushes away to prevent future damage.
  • Lubricate fence locks and hinges with auto grease for a rust free look.

Metal Fencing

Metal fences are built to last so it’s the easiest way to care this type of fencing. Whether you have an aluminum, steel or chain-link windbreak fencing for garden UK, you simply have to clean it once in a year for maintenance. If you find a rust and corrosion, clean it with steel wool or sandpaper. You can repaint the whole fence or give a touch up as per the fence condition. If you want to give your metal fencing a long lasting beautiful look, try to perform above maintenance tips regularly.

garden windbreak metal fencing

Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing requires different maintenance practices. Vinyl fencing is in huge demand because of its low maintenance and stunning look. However, vinyl can still get dirty. It is suggested that inspect the fence to look for loosened post caps or posts. If you want to keep your vinyl windbreak fencing for garden UK in a great condition, try to apply these following tips.

garden windbreak vinyl fencing

  • Never paint a vinyl fence, no matter how pretty a new splash of color may seem.
  • Adjust the gate every spring
  • Similar to the wood fence, oil the gate hinges. Also tighten the screw once a year.
  • Don’t swing on the gate
  • Don’t use weed trimmer at the base of the post.

Back-fill the loose post with dirt to improve stability.

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