Animal Shelters · bedding for goats and other livestock · Livestock Shelters

How to Make Bedding For Goats in A Livestock Shelter

When you are buying or building goat shelter on your own, someone might have told you that goats do not need a dedicated shelter. These animals can live under any roof. Fencing can prevent goats from going outside and other animals to come inside. However, fencing cannot protect these animals from elements such as heavy rain, winds and scorching heat of the sun. Therefore, you should look for livestock shelters for sale in the UK or make one on your own for your flock. These shelters keep goats warm and dry and also protect from predators.

Whether you are buying and building, here are the factors you should always consider:

livestock shelters for sale in UK


Is it going to be a permanent shelter? Today, you can find portable livestock shelter for sale in the UK. It is always better to locate the shelter downwind from the house.

Who Will Stay There

The flock is sometimes divided into different groups. For example, pregnant goats are often separated from the flock. Babies are kept in a different shelter.

Number of Animals

Goats, especially young and weak goats are likely to get injured in an overcrowded shelter. Goats stay close to each other in winter. However, in summer, the animals need more space.

Making Flooring and Bedding for Goats 

The objective of flooring and bedding is to keep the flock clean and dry. Rubber mats, concrete and soil or gravel the popular options for flooring and bedding. Sloped concrete is easy to clean as it allows proper drainage. However, it is expensive as compared to other options. Soil and gravel are inexpensive and also easy to clean if the shelter is not overcrowded. Plastic mats or wood pallet flooring is also inexpensive but it is likely to become unsanitary. The waste is trapped in the gaps between pallets or mats. This often leads to the growth of bacteria and fungi. And, the risk of injuries always exists as legs can be trapped in gaps between pallets.

In summer, goats prefer to sleep on the ground. However, you need to prepare bedding for winter. A layer of grass hay and shavings is the best for keeping goats warm, dry and wet. To keep the flooring and bedding in the best conditions, it is important to remove urine and manure on regular basis. The layer of hay protects goats from ants, bugs and dirt. Apart from adding warmth, the layer of hay also soaks up urine.

The flock must get protection against extreme weathers and predators. Therefore, you should look for portable livestock shelters for sale in the UK.

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